Learn more about me
The Quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.
My name is Dennis and I'm a software developer with over 3 years of experience. I am a creative and quick thinker with an ability and a liking to solve problems. In my previous projects (here), I have tackled complex technical challenges and have been able to come up with innovative solutions that have improved the overall quality of the product. I'm also highly motivated and always looking for new challenges to take on but, sometimes its just as a hobby 😜.
Check My Resume
Amboseli Institute Of Hospitality And Technology Thika, Kenya
I learnt the basics of building websites with HTML and CSS and this is where really the excitement to innovate and build started.
Moringa School, Kenya
I learnt the basics and fundamental of programming and took on FullStack development. Learnt, HTML, CSS, Js, Jquery, Boostrap, Angular, Python, Flask and Django.
JKUAT, Juja, Kenya
Here I did my Bachelors in Information Technology at the Jomo Kenya University of Agriculture and Technology.
mTek Services, Nairobi
mTek Services, Nairobi
mTek Services, Nairobi
My Services
I counsult with companies and SMEs on the technologies and approaches o build their systems.
I am very passionate about Backend Development. I use Java(Vert.x), Django, Flask, Sprngboot, Quarkus and Postgres and mongoDB databases. Ocassionaly pub/sub services like kafka etc
I am a flutter Developer and I enjoying seeing things and ideas thought out in my head, drawn on paper aand finally brought to life.
I have over the years interacted wth server and know my way around, I have workd with azure. I have also built a custom home-server to host my applications.
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